Nanotek shares some information explaining the legal and financial sector’s recent adoption of cloud computing technology.
Cloud computing is changing how professionals interact with data on a daily basis. Hoping to cut the costs of licensing and software, companies both small and large have begun rapidly integrating Cloud strategies in favour of traditional client-server networks.
So what is Cloud Computing? – Cloud computing, also known as on-demand computing, brings all your day to day business apps and services online. When correctly integrated, cloud delivers increased efficiency on the fly.
There are many benefits to using cloud services for your business, like business continuity, scalability, reduced IT costs due to the simplicity of the solution, collaboration, backups, security, business and industry compliance and automatic updates. Cloud is now a commodity that every business small or big must consider implementing in 2016.
Distilled to its core, Cloud computing is a streamlined IT solution that consolidates all services in a centralized facility, grouping your company’s desktops, data, emails, VoIP such as Ring Central, databases, and more. In other words, users can store their work files online inside the cloud. In doing so, your employees can enjoy global access to these services. Infrastructure flexibility, lower costs of ownership, and reduced time to market are just a few of the many reasons why companies are moving to the Cloud.
Though some have questioned the security implications of uploading sensitive data to a Cloud server, these concerns are largely unfounded. Cloud computer has become especially prevalent within the legal and financial sectors, and the weight of these industries influence has opened critics eyes to the reliability of this technology.
Top 4 Reasons Legal and Financial Firms Choose Cloud Computing
It may be a surprise for some to learn that Cloud computing has permeated the legal world. After all, the legal sector is known for its ardent traditionalism; it was only recently that dated wigs and coifs were done away with in court, and trials still operate according to time-honoured protocols.
The financial sectors integration of Cloud computing technologies is less jarring; accounting software and day-trading have been virtualizing financial matters for years.
Today, legal and financial firms are recognizing the different ways that Cloud computing benefits their practice and public policies:
- Secure confidential information – Flying in the face of common criticisms of Cloud computing, legal and financial firms typically choose this technology with security in mind. Many firms struggle to keep sensitive paper documents in the right hands. It is environmentally-friendly to be spending hours shredding old files, and locking new ones in drawers is a pain.
- Cloud computing is an eco-friendly and time-efficient security solution to this problem. You can restrict access to your Cloud, ensuring that nothing confidential gets outs, and nobody without authorization gets in.
- Increase privacy – Lengthy email chains have been problematic for legal and financial firms in the past. Avoid the risks of unencrypted correspondence with Cloud computing protection.
- Save money – Spending half of your salary on photocopies? Tired of forking over money to update or maintain company computers? Cloud computing can help. Cloud computing gives you an opportunity to reducing licensing fees, while simplifying the patching process to eliminate the need for any outsourced IT help. Cloud computing reduces possible downtime considerably, meaning your legal or financial team can spend more time doing what they’re paid to do. Money can also be saved in terms of energy expenditure; making use of server virtualization means less physical servers need to be run, saving you money each month on your electrical bill.
- Increase office efficiency. Spending hours pouring over documents stored in locked desks and brimming boxes can seriously decrease your firm’s efficiency. Moving all documentation to the Cloud means that everything can be accessed at the click of a button. Mobile Cloud computing through Office 365 makes this kind of on-the-go management and collaboration easy. It also means that sensitive documents can be shared and accessed by authorized parties instantly, rather than having to wait for secure deliveries.
Are you interested in learning more about Cloud computing? Read more about this innovative technology at and find out how your business can save time, money, and stress.